I Need A Few Good Fans!
• Fictional Friday, News, Romance, Saturday Night Supper Club

I’m looking for a few good fans to join my street team for my upcoming novel, The Saturday Night Supper Club, releasing February 6, 2018! There are only a few slots left (my newsletter subscribers get first crack–good reason to join!) and applications close on November 13th.
What’s a Street Team?
- People who love books and love people who love books and want to share them with the world!
- A group of enthusiastic readers who spread the word about a new release so I don’t have to look like an egomaniac when a book comes out.
Honestly, I get a little sick of talking about myself, so my street team members are life savers.
What do I expect from Street Team Members?
- Post honest reviews on Amazon and Goodreads
- Add TSNSC to appropriate Goodreads lists
- Share the book on any Facebook or Yahoo reader groups you might belong to
- Share about the book on social media
- Request that your local public library and/or church library/bookstore carry the book
- Participate in any of the games or challenges I may come up with (promise, I’ll try to make it fun!)
What do you get in return?
I can’t give a free book to each and every street team member, but you will get:
- A personalized welcome package from me
- Sneak peeks of book content before it’s released
- Chances to win books, prizes, and fun swag during release month
- My everlasting gratitude!
If you’re interested in being considered, click here. If you’ve been selected, we’ll let you know on November 20th. I hope to see you there!
Tags: Goodreads, Saturday Night Supper Club, street team
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