Cover and Title Reveal

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SURPRISE! It’s a hit-and-run title and cover reveal for the next book in the Haven Ridge series!

May I present to you, The Beacon Street Bookshop, coming in September 2023?

JUST LOOK AT THIS BEAUTY! Hillary Manton Lodge has designed all the covers in this series, and she outdoes herself with every single book. I could not choose a favorite if you forced me… though I’m kind of living for all these pretty blues and purples that fit the mood of the book so so well.

But why, you ask, am I interrupting The Broken Hearts Bakery release festivities for a cover reveal? I knew you superfast readers were going to tear through Bakery and immediately ask what’s next… so I went ahead and put Bookshop on preorder so you wouldn’t miss a thing. 🤭

So there we have it. The Beacon Street Bookshop, book 3 in the Haven Ridge series, coming soon to a shelf near you! Preorder now at your favorite retailer or reserve your autographed copy for (hopefully) early delivery!

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