12 Days of Christmas Giveaway – Day Seven

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Hello, everyone! Welcome to day seven of my 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway! Here’s how this works:

  1. Each day, a new post with a new giveaway will go up on my site at 10am Mountain time. (That’s 9am Pacific/11am Central/12pm Eastern.)
  2. You’ll have until midnight of the following day to enter.
  3. Entry is easy… if you’re not already a member of my mailing list, click through and join. If you are a member of my mailing list, you don’t have to sign up again, just click completed. (I’ll be verifying winning entries). Then share on all your social media channels and you’re done!
  4. Winners will be announced on the widget as soon as they’re drawn and you’ll be receiving an email from me asking for your address. Make sure you use an email address you monitor, because if I don’t get a response in 48 hours, I’ll draw a new winner!
  5. Giveaway is open only to entrants with US mailing addresses. (You don’t have to be a US citizen/resident, but I can only mail to US addresses.)

Be sure to check back every day to find out what the new prize is and make your daily entries!

Now let’s get to the fun stuff! Today’s prize is… a complete signed paperback set of my Celtic Fantasy trilogy, The Song of Seare.

This would make a great Christmas gift for the fantasy lover in your life. Make your entries below, and good luck!


12 Days of Christmas Giveaway #7

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  1. Paula Shreckhise says:

    I have entered all the other days so far. Today’s entry keeps asking for my email address and name over and over again. Even when I sign in with Facebook or Pinterest.
    I will try later.

  2. Lelia (Lucy) Reynolds says:

    Thank you for the wonderful chance. Merry Christmas 🎄🎁

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